Task Manager
Create, Assign, and Track Project Tasks.
Project Task Manager is a professional task management application using a centralised database for managing project related task of any size. It enables team leaders and team members to create, manage and share task information with instant visibility.
Integrating with Project Assistants Change Control Manager, Task's can be auto generated, during the "Change Control" review and acceptance stage. These tasks can then be monitored giving you a more informed audit either an individual task or the whole "Change Request" completion status.
Feature List
- Completed task can be crossed out for easy recognition.
- All Drop down boxes are configurable for text and images.
- Create Reports/Charts of Task status with a single mouse click.
- Quick Editors, change task states without typing.
- Create advanced filters with no SQL experience at all.
- Track each Task for current status.
- Filter data using excel-like auto filter menus.
- Quick reports converts display to hard copy instantly.
- Add and remove fields from the grid using drag and drop.
- Spell as you type spell checking.