Defects Tracking
Defects Management and Reporting Database.
Defect or issue tracking is one of the most critical components of the software development and the quality assurance efforts. An effective tracking system is therefore an essential requirement for today's projects.
All defects are stored in a centralised database that allows project teams to collaborate on the defect tracking requirements throughout your development lifecycle.
Feature List
- Create a central Defect database shared by all project members.
- Track each Defect for current status or workflow position.
- Easily create Reports and Charts of Defect status.
- Filter data using excel-like auto filter menus.
- Export your data to PDF or Excel files.
- Create advanced filters with no SQL experience.
- Quick Editors, change defects states without typing.
- Quick reports converts display to hard copy instantly.
- User configurable Status groups and status images.
- Spell as you type spell.